Large Group

Join us Wednesday nights at 8:00pm in The Union 405 for worship, time in the Word, and fellowship! Come learn who Jesus is and what His death on the cross has done for us.  We'd love to see you there, and definitely invite your friends!  We will spend this fall exploring the Gospels!

Small Groups

Our RUF Bible studies will focus on growing deep in God's Word, knowing and loving each other in Christian community, and serving together. Let us know on the form below if you’d like to contact one of the leaders to get plugged in! Small groups begin meeting the week of Aug 28th-Sept 1st, or otherwise indicated.


Thursday @ 7pm | MU 402 | Studying- JESUS! Leaders: Cayla Ball, and Peyton Pilson


Mondays @ 7pm | Zach’s house- 311 W Grace St.| Studying- 1 and 2 Samuel | Leaders- Josiah Leach and Zach Slater


Mondays @ 6pm | EmCart’s house- 1127 Wellington Pl. | Studying- Isaiah | Leaders- Emily Cartledge and Emily Green


Fridays @ 3pm | MU 402 | Leader- Keirsten Kekic